Monday, February 20, 2012

A bit of a Random Rant ...

Fair warning: this is going to be one of those "I just need to get it off my chest" posts. It's just that there has been so much on my mind and in my heart over the past few weeks. At any rate ... I apologize if it all seems a bit of a random rant.

Regarding the HHS mandate controversy -

  • No matter how many voices claim that this is a women's rights issue - it is not. It is and continues to be a fight for religious freedom and conscience rights. It is not about the legality or accessibility of contraception.  The USCCB is only interested in protecting our Constitutional rights and freedoms as Catholic citizens of the United States of America. The Obama administration is responsible for driving the wedge and politicizing this issue - not the bishops.
  • Polls do not always reflect the truth. Do yourself a favor and read this and this, too.
  • Since some do want to make this all about contraception - do you actually know why the Catholic Church opposes its use along with sterilization? As a cradle Catholic even I didn't always accept the Church's teachings - sure out of rebellion and monstrous pride, but mostly out of ignorance. Thanks be to God, after about 10 years into my marriage I discovered my grievous error and had a complete change of heart. Do yourself another favor, open your heart and your mind and read this (including the list of additional resources) before you lash out at the Church for her "draconian, oppressive" beliefs. In the end, you may not agree, but hopefully you will have a better understanding of where the Church is coming from and why she simply cannot accept the terms of the HHS mandate. 
Regarding internet etiquette:

  • I realize that social networking sites such as Facebook, or the comment sections on the endless variety of blogs or even online journals, etc., are far from the most ideal mechanisms for debating religious or political issues - however, why must anyone resort to using profanity, vulgarity, below-the-belt insults and the like to make their point? I have noticed that it occurs across the board, but honestly, it seems to be most prominent among those who describe themselves as liberal Democrats. At any rate, no matter what 'side' you're on, as soon as I encounter it your argument no longer holds any weight or validity. You may as well be 'talking' to the wall. I do not expect agreement on every issue, but if you would like me to seriously consider your opinion, please, for goodness sake, refrain from disgusting, petty insults. It does nothing to support your cause.
Finally, as a pro-lifer -

  • I believe with every fiber of my being that life begins at the moment of conception. The particular stage of development doesn't matter. Whether a zygote, a blastocyst, an embryo, or a fetus - she is still a human life, with an eternal soul created by God and deserving of the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Some claim she is merely a 'blob of tissue' until she reaches a particular place in her development. So, at what stage does she become a human being worthy of the aforementioned rights? When she can survive on her own outside the womb? Isn't that a bit arbitrary? I mean, some babies survive at 26 weeks gestation while others do not. Who decides? Has science determined that for us? Obviously, I am struggling to understand this point of view. It just makes no sense and never has. And, well, then there are others who do acknowledge that abortion indeed destroys a human life at any stage, but they argue that the rights of the mother trump those of the unborn. Even more malicious, if you ask me, particularly in light of this document.

Saint Thomas More, pray for us, and pray for our country.

Saint Michael, the archangel, defend us in battle ...

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