Thursday, February 25, 2010

Praying the Laundry

Before getting ready for work yesterday I pulled a load of laundry out of the dryer to fold. Sometimes, when I think of it, I whisper a brief prayer for the owner of the particular article of clothing I happen to be folding. This basketful of clothes belonged exclusively to Megan. I didn't immediately think about offering prayer, but as I mindlessly began folding her collection of T-shirts I realized that I could actually use them to reflect on God's Word. I did utter my customary prayer for her, and then I began pondering the words sprawled across the fronts and backs of these shirts. I thought about all the T-shirts teens choose to wear these days and how the words on my daughter's shirts truly defined her. Like most teens, she relishes time spent with friends, spends too much time on Facebook and texting, enjoys outings to the movies and the mall. She seems obsessed at times with her weight, her complexion and her hairstyle. She loves contemporary music, singing and dancing. She struggles sometimes with schoolwork - agonizes over tests and challenging writing assignments. But mostly she strives to be a child of God. I am grateful that she shares everything with me, but I am even more grateful that she converses regularly with Our Lord. This may not be considered cool by some of her contemporaries, but she remains close to Him. To her that's the coolest thing ever.

Here is a sampling of Megan's T-shirt wisdom ...
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation: the old one has gone, the new has come!" 2 Corinthians 5:17
"I LIVE by FAITH in the Son of GOD who has LOVED me and GIVEN himself up for me." Gal 2:20.
"The one who has hope lives differently." Pope Benedict XVI
"Live the Word" (Catholic Diocese of Arlington WorkCamp slogan)
"Your WORD is a LAMP to MY FEET and a LIGHT for my PATH." Psalm 119:105.
And finally, the words written on a sweatshirt borrowed from her older sister, Erin (one of Megan's biggest role models) ...
"Each time anyone comes in contact with us, they must become different and better people because of having met us. We must radiate God's love." Mother Teresa. 


  1. Way to go son's T-shirts say:

    "I got up for this!"

    "Marymount Swimming"

    "Back to Nature" (with a picture of a kid sitting in the wilderness playing the Wii!)

    Thankfully, I know he talks to His Lord. I am grateful, even if his T-shirts don't speak for his adoration.

  2. Well, yes, Megan has also been seen sporting T-shirts that are less 'spiritual' in nature. Names of schools, sports teams, music groups and singers, and favorite vacation spots (although one could argue that there is definitely a 'spiritual' aspect and benefit to life at Sunset Beach!). :)
