Monday, August 15, 2011

The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Today the Church celebrates the solemnity of the glorious Assumption of Mary, Mother of God into Heaven. I've just returned from Mass in honor of this special Marian feast. Below are wise words written in the 12th century by the Cistercian monk, Saint Aelred Rielvaux. I love what he writes and thought I'd share his sermon here with you. You may also find it here.

Saint Aelred of Rielvaux (1110-1167), Cistercian monk
2nd sermon for the Assumption, Durham coll.

From now on will all ages call me blessed
If Saint Mary Magdalene – who had been a sinner and from whom the Lord had cast out seven demons – merited to be glorified by him to the extent that her praise abides for ever among the assembly of the saints, who can measure the extent to which "the upright rejoice and dance for joy in the presence of the Lord" with regard to holy Mary, who knew not man?... If the apostle Peter – who was not only unable to watch for one hour with Christ but who even went so far as to deny him – afterwards won such favor that the keys of the Kingdom of heaven were entrusted to him, of what praises is holy Mary not worthy, who bore the king of angels himself in her womb, he whom the heavens cannot contain? If Saul, who "breathed murderous threats against the disciples of the Lord"... was the object of such mercy... that he was "caught up to the third heaven, whether in the body or out of the body", it is not surprising that the holy Mother of God – who stayed beside her son through all the trials he endured from his cradle onwards – should have been lifted up to heaven, even in her body, and exalted high above the choirs of angels.

If there is "joy in heaven before the angels over one sinner who repents", who can tell what joyful and lovely praises rise up before God concerning holy Mary who never sinned?... Indeed, if those who "once were darkness" and have now become "light in the Lord" "will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father", who is able to tell  "the eternal weight of glory" of holy Mary, who came into the world "like dawn arising, beautiful as the moon, resplendent as the sun" and of whom was born "the true light which enlightens  everyone coming into the world"? Moreover, since our Lord said: "Whoever serves me must follow me, and where I am there will my servant also be", where do we think his mother must be who served him with such eagerness and fidelity? If she followed him and obeyed him even to death, no one can wonder that now, more than anyone else, she "follows the Lamb wherever he goes."

(Biblical references : Lk 8,2; Ps 149[148],1; Ps 68[67],4; Lk 1,34; Mt 26,40.70; Mt 16,19; Acts 9,1; 2Cor 12,2; Lk 22,28; Lk 15,7; Eph 5,8; Mt 13,43;  2Cor 4,17; Sg 6,9; Jn 1,9; Jn 12,26; Rv 14,4)

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