It is in embracing a life of self-denial, in giving up the things we love too much, that we are able to cling to our Creator who in loving us to death brings us to life.
Dearest Jesus, permit me to die to myself. Take all of me; my strengths as well as my weaknesses; all that I have offered in a spirit of sacrifice and create a new spirit within me.
It is in embracing a life of prayer that we enter into a personal relationship with Jesus. It is the manner in which we get to know Him, to fall deeply in love with Him. Through prayer He teaches us, too, how to love others - to love our neighbor whomever they may be.
Dearest Jesus, abundantly bless my neighbor, my family, my friends and particularly my enemies, this day and every day. My hope is in You and the grace that will bring me to Easter truly knowing how much You love them and the promise that my own love for them will have grown.
Dearest Jesus, remind me, too, throughout these 40 days, to begin and end my day in thanksgiving and praise for all the blessings bestowed upon me and upon those I hold dear.
In embracing a life of work we understand that even in the often mundane, ordinary circumstances of life, our work is honorable and redemptive.
Dearest Jesus, help me to realize that my work honors the talents and gifts You have given me. I want to be genuinely - not begrudgingly - grateful for those working moments! Grant me the grace to better understand how the hardship I may experience while mopping floors, cleaning out closets, or scouring the toilets, provides me an opportunity to participate in Your redemptive work by offering it all to You in union with Your own suffering.
By embracing a life of almsgiving we are encouraged to give materially to the poor or to consider giving monetary donations to charitable organizations. We must also contemplate giving more of our time, our love, and our attention to others and to God without expecting anything in return.
Dearest Jesus, help me to be truly grateful for all that I have and move me toward genuine generosity - not only to give materially to others, but to truly give more of myself and to expect less! To surrender all to You - all of my spiritual and temporal possessions, including the rewards of any good action of mine, past, present and future with the right to make use of me and what is mine, without exception, for the greater glory of God through time and eternity.(Adapted from Saint Louis Marie de Montfort's prayer of Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary).
By embracing this season of Lent with hearts open wide, we learn to walk the Way of the Cross, in union with our dear, dear Lady as she invites us, nay, begs us, to accompany her Son in His passion and journey to death. Gazing upon Him on the Cross, we see how He so desperately thirsts for us - for all of us. By pouring ourselves into Him in answer to His fervent plea, we soon discover that it is His mercy, His love and the glory of His Resurrection on Easter Sunday morning, that in turn fills us to overflowing.
Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us.