Monday, April 9, 2012

He So Loved the World

For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life. John 3:16

 It is the way of darkness to make one feel abandoned, forsaken. But He is not alone in His agony, though others continue to sleep away the sorrow. The Father is not a distant observer, aloof and dispassionate. He, Abba, sees Him, hears Him, holds Him.

And He sees us, too.

There, in that garden, in the dark of night, He sees us and how the weight of all of our sins crushes His Son to the ground. He dispatches His angel to console Him, to love Him through this appalling dance of suffering and death. 

He sees us there, clothed in robes of denial and betrayal, and in the washing of our hands when we, too, are afraid to take a stand for truth. You and I stand side-by-side as we jeer and shout, "Crucify Him!"

We are there through every measured step, every stripe across His back. Through every thorn piercing His adorable, most sacred head. Through the vile spitting and the mockery. He sees Him fall, once, twice, three times, as He watches us fall continually.

Our Father God sees us - you and me - as He gazes upon His most beloved, suffering Son. He sees us bearing the burdens of those we love just as the Cyrene helps His Son carry the Cross.
He sees us when we choose compassion, as Veronica cups His adorable and most sacred face in her capable hands wiping away the grime, the sweat and the blood.  
He sees us, too, begging with the good thief for forgiveness and mercy.
He sees us standing beneath the Cross, with His precious Mary, praying, adoring, loving.

He sees us carried in the outstretched arms of His Son, who pleads for us and bleeds for us.
For you and for me.

He sees us in Magdalene's discovery of the empty tomb, in her fear, in her wonder. He sees you and me running in haste with Peter and John to the tomb. He sees us in our disbelief even when we know His promise.

 And still, He sees us in the triumph!
He sees us in our joy when, at last, we accept, we trust, we hope!

Because He loves us - intimately, immensely, infinitely - He never takes His eyes off of us.

This intricate dance of life's victory over death, this embrace between Father and Son wholly linked
in Love, moves us - moves through us and for us - for all time and until the end of time.

Christ is risen; He is risen, indeed!

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