Saturday, August 18, 2012

Look out world - Megan's coming!

I just couldn't do it. I could not bring myself to accompany Megan to the airport this afternoon. I was too afraid I'd fall apart, make a scene as I watched her disappear into the blur of travelers inching their way through security. I'm not normally a falling apart kind of person and the thought of it happening unnerves me, so Jim took her by himself. Megan was okay with it. She really was. She is very excited about her new adventure and this wonderful opportunity as a Belmont Abbey College student to study abroad with Franciscan University in Gaming, Austria. She intends to blog about her travels here.

We hugged good-bye in the kitchen, she as beautiful as ever and composed, me in tears. Suddenly, she seemed oddly mature. My last minute attempts at motherly advice whirled behind her like dandelion fluff on the wind as she headed out the front door, backpack slung on one shoulder and her new Vera Bradley tote in hand. "When you're in Vienna, ask Aer Lingus if they will check your luggage all the way back to Dulles on your return trip." There I was, already thinking about her coming home. What a ridiculous thing to say, now before she's even arrived there. "If for some reason your phone doesn't work, e-mail me or Facebook me the first chance you get. Maybe you'll see an internet cafe nearby."  
"Mom, ohh-kaay," she smiled.

All four of my kids have traveled internationally. As college students, Katie and Erin each spent a semester in Europe. And yes, I cried when they left home. Every time, I cry. It's not that I don't want them to go - okay, okay, there is a part of me that begs, "don't go!" - it's just that I suffer from terrible separation anxiety. And now my baby is going. Megan shares everything with me and she always seems to need me more than the others do, so it is just a little harder this time.

I do know she will treasure this experience all the days of her life and I am truly grateful for this opportunity. She will grow in wisdom, in friendship and in faith. I can't wait to hear all about it.

1 comment:

  1. She's going to take the world by storm! And, you will be the recipient of much grace in praying her through the experience. <3
