Sunday, May 16, 2010

Dear Mom,

May 9th, 2010

I thought since this is my last year living at home as a "child" (though I know I will always be your baby ...) I should go beyond the typical, "oh happy mother's day." I would just like to thank you for, first of all, my life. Thanks for not disowning me when I was a little brat ... ha ha just kidding, I know you would never do that. But really, thank you for putting up with my endless shenanigans when I was a wild child. Looking back I know that the way you handled me was the best parenting ever and I am truly thankful for that. (You've probably punished me in the past and said, "you'll thank me later" so here you go!) I would like most importantly to thank you for bringing me up Catholic; as a strong Catholic. I'll always remember and treasure our religious conversations, even the ones from elementary CCD. You established such a firm greatness of receiving my first Holy Communion. Today two little kids made their first Holy Communions and it made me think about my first Communion and how excited I was and how well I actually understood it. I really appreciate you for that so much, I thank God for having blessed me with such a spiritually wonderful mother!

There's one thing I really never thought I would appreciate as much as I do now, and that is my education at Seton. Thank you SO much for sending me to that amazing school. It also has formed me in my faith so well! Growing up I've had such an incredible education from my primary teacher, you, and the teachers, crazy or not, at Seton. Thank you so very much.

Of course, you had to make sure my spiritual life was on the right track and my education was fit because that's what moms do ... but you're not just the every day mom. Actually if I compare you to "moms" in general you really are quite different ... in a very good way. You never really forced me to do anything I didn't want to but you always supported me in whatever I chose to do - not in a sick celebrity-mom type of way because the way you raised me clearly showed me right from wrong. You were never nagging, yet you showed me how to take care of myself. You just allowed me to grow up and to become who God intends me to be. Most importantly, you weren't just a really good mom, you've always [been] and always will be my very closest and best friend in the entire universe. Very rarely do daughters have that type of relationship with their parents, a 100% trusting and loving relationship. I am extremely thankful that I have that with you; that alone means the entire world to me. I really believe that the incredible relationships you built with me and my siblings really is the key to your remarkable parenting.

Thank you so much for the daily sacrifices you made to raise me and my siblings the way you did. Thank you for taking care of me, and for always loving me. Thank you for giving me such a privileged life that so many people never get to have ... and I take it for granted every day. I'm going to miss you. I love you my mama, God bless you on this wonderful mother's day!

Love you always,

P.S. I'm always proud to say I look just like you, because you are so beautiful :)