Sunday, September 19, 2010

Isaac at 4 months

Katie gave me permission to copy and paste one of her recent blog posts. Here it is - Katie's update on her dear, sweet boy:
Our little Isaac Jogues just had his four month check-up.  In summary, he's healthy, very happy, and relatively HUGE.  He weighs 16 pounds and is 25 inches long, putting him in the 50th percentile for height and 50th-75th percentile for weight.  While this may not seem big to those of you who had large babies, Isaac is a giant compared to other babies who arrived a month early or were a similar size at birth. 

I made a list of Isaac's current stats, habits, and accomplishments mostly for my sake, but I'm posting it here, partially because I'm not sure where else to put it!  At four months, Isaac . . .

-Sleeps about 12 hours at night with one quick feeding around 4 AM.  He usually falls asleep between 8 PM and 9 PM.  Sometimes he falls asleep nursing, but he can be walked to sleep by Mama or Daddy.

-Eats like a newborn!  Isaac still nurses every two hours during the day.  No wonder he's so big! 

-Takes 3 or 4 little naps throughout the day.  I think he may be growing out of the catnap trend and starting to take longer naps. 

-Rolls from back to side and almost from tummy to side.  On his tummy, he can hold himself up on his elbows and push up with his legs.  He holds his head up steadily when held in a seated or standing position.  He can stand for a few seconds if we hold his hands. 

-Looks at and tracks dangling toys, lights, faces, his own hands, etc.  He can grab objects like spoons and tries to put them in his mouth, with some success.  He's in the gazing stage now.  I love to look at him when he's nursing and see his big, blue eyes staring intently into my own. 

-Smiles all the time, but especially in the morning.  He recently started laughing and squealing, much to our delight.  He "talks" to us, and his noises and cries have become quite varied.  He can blow raspberries, but if we blow them back, he cries!

-Sucks on one or two fingers.  He loves to play with his hands.

-Lays his head on our shoulders.  This doesn't seem like a big deal, but Isaac never liked this position.  When he was very small, he wanted to be held in such a way that allowed him to see something (e.g., cradled so he could look up at our faces).  Once Isaac could hold his head up, he didn't mind being held upright, but he always looked around and never rested his head.  If he was tired, he seemed (again) to prefer a cradle position.  Now, however, Isaac has begun to lay his little head on our shoulders when we hold him.  It is so sweet!  I love this. 

Our little boy amazes us.  Every week brings a new milestone.  Last night I held Isaac asleep on my chest, and I couldn't believe how long he was.  Looking at him now, it's hard to believe that a few months ago he was a tiny newborn.  Sam and I try to soak in every stage, knowing (as everyone reminds us) that this will pass all too quickly.  
(c) 2010 Kathryn Phillips


  1. I love your blog, Mama Darbs. Makes me still feel connected with my Reston Family. The pictures are adorable! I hope to see you all soon!

    much love,


  2. Thank you again my beautiful daughter and granddaughter for sharing these precious moments with me and everybody else that is privileged to see this darling baby.
