Saturday, September 25, 2010

Ode to a Stink Bug

O thou Marmorated Brown who dost seek
shelter from the coming winter’s freeze,
Who alights upon my curtain drawn and dost reek
when trampled on. Away damned vermin, I bid thee please.
Thou art not permitted here! Not now nor then nor next week!
Away, thou armored pest, away from crevice and crack in door.
Here I spy thee, I spy thee there, I spy thee in my kitchen sink.
O noxious bug hailed from the east, in every home thou cause a stink.
Come, O welcomed winter chill assail this bane I so abhor.

(c) 2010 Darby Fitzpatrick


  1. There's a particular irony that on my browser, the stink bug curse appears right next to the morning offering!

    I just vacuumed up 40-50 of the critters and lit the scented candles!

  2. What beautiful verse for such a horrible creature! :o)

  3. I love this. You are so talented for poetry and prose! I've been hearing a good bit about these creatures but have only seen a few in our house. No more than other years. Don't know why? Maybe there IS something good about that Charlotte. Could she be killing them?

  4. wow..nice poem you've created, well I really hate stink bugs, they really are pain in my head.
