Saturday, February 2, 2013

The Little Things

There are pros and there are cons to empty-nesting. I could make lists of each, but for now I want to celebrate one amazing {for me} pro.

All, and I mean ALL, of my laundry has been washed.

Well, except for the stuff currently in the hamper upstairs. That doesn't count.

What I mean is, there are no clothes, towels, table cloths, sheets, bedspreads or dog bedding left in my basement laundry room waiting until who knows when to be laundered. It is ALL washed and dried and folded! To some, this may seem hardly worth mentioning. You may wonder, "So, what's the big deal?" You may think me daft or just plain lazy to have never completely had my laundry caught up. You may very well be right. Maybe you have never cast aside sheets or bedspreads leaving them for another day. The trouble is those really important items - like underwear - whose laundering needs are far more critical, always take washing priority over the less needy items. Add to the mix the times your adult children disrupt your washing marathons by barging in to wash their own dirty clothes {yes, I do appreciate that they did (or do) their own laundry} and everything tends to back up. So those less important things are simply left waiting.

Our son moved out about a week and a half ago. I know, bitter sweet. My husband also fixed the timer switch on our dryer. Just plain sweet! Both of these events inspired me to tackle and complete this amazing laundry feat, which included washing the old rags I used to mop up the powder room and the ensuing waterfall in the basement when the toilet unexpectedly clogged and overflowed on Wednesday.   

Anyway, my husband and I are celebrating, because I have not seen these bins completely empty for a long time:

Yay! Just Yay!

And now that it's just my husband and me - except of course when Megan is home from college - my laundry room should pretty much look like this all the time. Right?

I mean, easy-peasy, right?

Yeah, right.


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